Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sweet Treat Ladybug

My boys have been enjoying their time with the ladybugs they caught during the weekend. Every year we allow them to catch something in the garden to do some experiment - to observe their behaviors and changes. Two years ago we caught a few caterpillars and a couple of them changed to moths instead of butterflies! They defecated so much. Cleaning up and feeding them was a lot of work. Last year, it was a lizard. Since the boys couldn't catch bugs so my husband had to do that for it to eat. He didn't mind it at all!

This year it's the ladybugs. Ryan has been telling me the ladybugs have been wrestling a lot - it must be mating season since we see some very small ones as well. Ryan has to look up to see what they like to eat. We have been looking for plants that have aphids or mealy bugs. When we let one out to eat, it flew away! So we have been feeding leaves and a few bugs here and there. Jake really enjoys looking at them! We'll let them go soon.

So here is my Sweet Treat Ladybug that I created. How about a raindrop on the dot? It's the same concept as the lamb. The head pulls off and it opens up the trap door for the treats to come out.

I hope you and your kids get a chance to enjoy the little things in life with Nature like my boys have. :)


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