Monday, November 28, 2011

Angry Birds - the Pig

So did you enjoy looking at the red Angry Bird? Did you wonder why I got an extra wrapped Hershey's Nugget in this post? It's for the Pig!

I know he's not anyone's favorite! My son, Ryan, said that when you got a good guy in a game, you gotta have the bad guy too!

Ryan said it doesn't look exactly like the Pig. Maybe with Green Galore card stock (retired), it would look more like him. I used Lucky Limeade and Certainly Celery card stocks. I got more of these on my mind, but we'll save it for next year. I got to stick to Christmas theme now.

Have a great day!


1 comment:

  1. Could I get some measurements or templates for this project? I would love to make some. Thanks.
